Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Scientists Confirm Antidepressants Worsen Mental Health Issues

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The British Medical Journal (BMJ) have officially recognised that antidepressants, including the use of SSRI’s, risks the lives of  mental health patients that take them.  In a paper published by Professor Peter C Gotzsche, entitled “Suicidality and aggression during antidepressant treatment: systematic review and meta-analyses based on clinical study reports,” Gotzsche concludes that after studying 18,526 patients, those who were prescribed antidepressant medication had an increased risk of suicide and aggression. Wakingscience.com reports: What the researchers concluded from their extensive retrospective study of pharmaceutical trials dealing with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) was that for children and adolescents, the risks for suicidality and aggression doubled. What are some of the pharmaceuticals involved? Antidepressants Prozac® and its knock off-type drugs: Celexa®, Lexapro®, Luvox®, Paxil®, and Zoloft®, plus Effexor®, Remeron®, Serzone®, and Wellbutrin®. What the BMJ paper’s authors concluded brings to mind that in many of the mass shootings and horrible events that have occurred in the USA in recent years, several of the perpetrators were known to have been taking, had been taking, or getting off mood altering prescription drugs. Still, the BMJ paper states that: It is widely believed that the risk of suicide is not [...]