Sunday, September 12, 2021

We are Living Through the Greatest Scam and Cover-up in Human History – Are You Prepared for What Comes Next?

This week the Biden administration did something that no other president in the history of the United States has ever done before: issue a federal mandate requiring people to get a "vaccine" as a condition for employment. Prior to this week, vaccine laws and mandates have always been a state issue. It is important to note that this is an executive order, and not a law. It is highly unlikely that the administration could ever get such a law passed through Congress. However, I think it would be foolish to expect that this will be overturned by the courts. Some courts may, but the Supreme Court is firmly under the control of the corporate billionaires and bankers who actually run this country. Almost everything about the COVID-19 Plandemic has been illegal, from requiring people to wear masks, to lock downs, to approving novel new drugs and vaccines for a sickness that has multiple FDA approved drugs already on the market that are effective in treating the symptoms related to COVID-19. What we are witnessing and living through today is the greatest scam in the history of the human race, which is now also morphing into the biggest cover-up, as vaccine injured people who have taken the experimental gene therapy shots are filling our hospitals, while the government and media lie to the American public and blame it on the unvaccinated. However, the worst is yet to come.