Friday, April 17, 2015

Avatar - Zen Gardner

Avatar - Zen Gardner:

"But what is not mentioned in the Bible (which was long ago perverted by the ruling class) is that the Christ character signified that we are all Sons and Daughters of the Creator. In a matter of speaking, we are meant to rule ourselves.

"What our so-called leaders at the highest levels have always feared the most is not so much that we overthrow them through violent means. Those pulling the strings in the background can always replace one set of puppets with another by taking over the revolution and steering it in the direction they desire. What they fear most is that their puppets are merely ignored due to everyone following the same Source known as conscience and living in harmony with one another....

"The Christ character came to tell us that worshipping anything or anyone outside of yourself (including the Christ character himself) is a violation to your soul.   This is why the masses in this story went along with their religious and government “authorities” and called for his death.   He revealed to them that they were fools for bowing down to another human being. They had to kill the voice on the outside which testified to the voice on the inside. This type of mob mentality that had Christ killed has now become the hive mind of both Israel as well as America.   The people residing in these countries must literally strive to “crucify their conscience” in order to continue to support the horrific atrocities committed by their respective governments both at home and abroad.   And just like the myth, anyone who tries to expose this risks being killed off just like the Christ character was killed with the approval of the masses. That they allowed government enforcers in this fable to carry out his torture and murder is exactly what is being done now when they support the current government’s law enforcement officers killing off those who would not comply to orders given as well as blindly supporting the troops who simply kill anyone their masters tell them to kill without conscience playing a part at all."

'via Blog this'