Just a day and a half ago, it seemed like things were calming in Brazil. The Folha de Sao Paulo, the New York Times of Brazil, editorialized against censorship. The head of the Brazilian Bar Association gave a strong statement in support of freedom of expression.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://public.substack.com/p/brazil-should-terrify-you
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Measles had largely disappeared in the US BEFORE the doctors started giving measles shots (which only made the problem worse)
You probably know that the U.S. has broken the record for number of measles cases in recent years. You also likely know that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says “high coverage” with measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine is the most effective way to limit the spread of measles.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/measles-had-largely-disappeared-in
ORIGINAL LINK: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/measles-had-largely-disappeared-in
Students Against Mandates (S.A.M.) is a community of proud critical thinkers who support decision making backed by data. We oppose divisive mandates, discriminatory vaccine passports, and the tyranny that makes these unjust things possible.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.studentsagainstmandates.ca/
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.studentsagainstmandates.ca/
EcoHealth Alliance email release confirms Fauci aide used private account to discuss COVID
Private research organization EcoHealth Alliance voluntarily released private emails on Friday confirming that the top aide to then-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci used his personal Gmail account to conduct business regarding the origins of COVID-19.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/2964227/ecohealth-alliance-email-release-confirms-fauci-aide-used-private-account-discuss-covid/
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/healthcare/2964227/ecohealth-alliance-email-release-confirms-fauci-aide-used-private-account-discuss-covid/
Friday, April 12, 2024
Orwell Watch: NPR and the Death of Fairness
Earlier this week on The Free Press, Uri Berliner dropped a bomb on the public media world with “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.racket.news/p/orwell-watch-npr-and-the-death-of
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.racket.news/p/orwell-watch-npr-and-the-death-of
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Researchers identify how eating a Western diet impairs memory functioning
In a recent study, researchers have shed light on how early consumption of a Western diet — characterized by high levels of processed foods, saturated fats, and simple sugars — can lead to lasting deficits in hippocampal-dependent episodic memory, despite not causing obesity or metabolic dysfunc
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.psypost.org/researchers-identify-how-eating-a-western-diet-impairs-memory-functioning/
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.psypost.org/researchers-identify-how-eating-a-western-diet-impairs-memory-functioning/
Amazon Grows To Over 750,000 Robots As World's Second-Largest Private Employer Replaces Over 100,000 Humans
Amazon.com Inc. is rapidly advancing its use of robotics, deploying over 750,000 robots to work alongside its employees. The world's second-largest private employer employs 1.5 million people. While that's a lot, it's a decrease of over 100,000 employees from the 1.6 million workers it had in 2021.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-grows-over-750-000-153000967.html
ORIGINAL LINK: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-grows-over-750-000-153000967.html
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Osama Bin Laden's death : remember this iconic photo in Obama's situation room as they watched the raid for down, remember it? well, these bitches had to admit after that it was staged, they were
but then there is this, we were then told what these people e.g. Biden, Hilary, Obama etc.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://palexander.substack.com/p/osama-bin-ladens-death-remember-this
ORIGINAL LINK: https://palexander.substack.com/p/osama-bin-ladens-death-remember-this
Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake. There was no pandemic.
There was no pandemic by any reasonable definition – which must surely include that large numbers of previously healthy people in all age groups perished, whereas there was no discernible rise in global mortality in 2020.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/every-single-aspect-of-the-covid
ORIGINAL LINK: https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/every-single-aspect-of-the-covid
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.
You know the stereotype of the NPR listener: an EV-driving, Wordle-playing, tote bag–carrying coastal elite. It doesn’t precisely describe me, but it’s not far off.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust
Fact Checkers Caught Looking the Other Way (Again!) As Pfizer Nabbed Spreading Vaccine Misinformation and “Bringing Discredit” on the Entire Industry
6 minute read A UK pharmaceutical body has accused Pfizer of “bringing discredit” on their entire industry after Pfizer’s senior executives promoted the COVID vaccine on social media before it had even been licensed, breaching the regulatory code five times by making misleading claims, igno
ORIGINAL LINK: https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/fact-checkers-caught-looking-the
ORIGINAL LINK: https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/fact-checkers-caught-looking-the
Monday, April 8, 2024
Appeals Court Vacates ‘Disinformation’ Monitoring of Jan. 6 Defendant’s Computer
A sentencing requirement that Jan. 6 defendant Daniel Goodwyn have his computer monitored by the government for “disinformation” has been vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/appeals-court-vacates-disinformation-monitoring-of-jan-6-defendants-computer-5621850
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/appeals-court-vacates-disinformation-monitoring-of-jan-6-defendants-computer-5621850
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Note that in the original press releases regarding their vaccines, both Pfizer and Modern failed to include the required language that should be seen in Forward Looking Statements. The SEC and FTC in the US should now take similar action against Pfizer. See MARCH 4 ruling here.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/breaking-telegraph-reports-that-pfizer
ORIGINAL LINK: https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/breaking-telegraph-reports-that-pfizer
How Far $100 Goes at the Grocery Store After Five Years of Food Inflation
In grocery stores, a Benjamin just isn’t what it used to be. The pace of food inflation in supermarkets has slowed sharply over the past year, returning to levels that were more typical before the pandemic.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/how-far-100-goes-at-the-grocery-store
ORIGINAL LINK: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/how-far-100-goes-at-the-grocery-store
BOOK: "Vax-Unvax" Peer Reviewed Data Proves Unvaccinated Children Remain Far Healthier Than Those Vaccinated
This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids - VAxxED vs. UNVAxxED Data (Vigilant Fox)
ORIGINAL LINK: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/book-vax-unvax-peer-reviewed-data
ORIGINAL LINK: https://dailynewsfromaolf.substack.com/p/book-vax-unvax-peer-reviewed-data
Bombshell Saudi Arabian Study: 27.11% of Study Population Report Cardiac Complications Post COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
A Thorough Analysis of the Case Against Dr. Andrew Wakefield by Mary Holland, JD
Mary Holland is a research scholar at NYU School of Law. She has written and edited books and articles on human rights and law. She has clerked for a federal judge, worked at the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights and at prominent U.S. law firms.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://medium.com/@rosscocalrizian/a-thorough-analysis-of-the-case-against-dr-andrew-wakefield-by-mary-holland-jd-f4e7fa90602e
ORIGINAL LINK: https://medium.com/@rosscocalrizian/a-thorough-analysis-of-the-case-against-dr-andrew-wakefield-by-mary-holland-jd-f4e7fa90602e
Jeffrey Epstein’s Island Visitors Exposed by Data Broker
Nearly 200 mobile devices of people who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “pedophile island” in the years prior to his death left an invisible trail of data pointing back to their own homes and offices.
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.wired.com/story/jeffrey-epstein-island-visitors-data-broker-leak/
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.wired.com/story/jeffrey-epstein-island-visitors-data-broker-leak/
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/04/07/college-diploma-is-nothing-but-a-300000-receipt/
ORIGINAL LINK: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/04/07/college-diploma-is-nothing-but-a-300000-receipt/
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