Shame on you.
Shame on you for not talking about diet and exercise and overall health.
Shame on you for calling actual scientifically-minded people "anti-science."
Shame on you for letting people receive deadly treatments because of the financial incentives given to doctors and hospitals.
Shame on you for arguing with us when we suggested that actual science showed the potential benefits of Vitamin D, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and other preventative and mitigating treatments.
Shame on you for looking the other way as our government agencies have been captured by the pharmaceutical companies and greedy individuals.
Shame on you for letting, encouraging, or mandating the use of injected treatments where the ingredients are kept secret.
Shame on you for not caring that the definitions of the words pandemic and vaccine were changed.
Shame on you for not caring about election fraud just because you hate the other candidate.
Shame on you for going along.
Shame on you for calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated when there was evidence that this isn't true.
Shame on you for trusting companies that have repeatedly broken the public trust.
Shame on you for caring so much about feeling safe that you ignored actual dangers and put the lives of your family and others at great risk.
Shame on you for not holding the government and corporations accountable.
Shame on you for listening to celebrities and propaganda instead of asking for actual research.
Shame on you for thinking we should take health-related and scientific advice from celebrities.
Shame on you for letting basic Nuremberg rights be ignored.
Shame on you for allowing basic drug testing and trial safeguards to be dismissed.
Shame on you for not demanding that publicly funded and mandated injections have all contents disclosed.
Shame on you for shutting us down when we tried to talk rationally about viruses and public health.
Shame on you for claiming that we were dangerous and killing people by not getting vaccinated.
Shame on you for holding different standards for different groups of people, events, and activities.
Shame on you for looking the other ways and letting huge conflicts of interest go unchallenged.
Shame on you for not demanding better behavior from public servants.
Shame on you for believing that controlling others' behavior is appropriate.
Shame on you for allowing people to use dehumanizing language about those who are trying to think carefully.
Shame on you for getting vaccinated, then getting sick, and then saying it was still good you got vaccinated.
Shame on you for letting the CDC manipulate statistics.
Shame on the CDC for intentionally not tracking breakthrough cases and being so thoroughly corrupt.
Shame on the CDC for claiming masks are effective.
Shame on you for putting up with different CDC standards of testing for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
Shame on you for letting them call those who died from the vaccine unvaccinated because they weren't two weeks out from receiving both shots.
Shame on you for letting them conduct faulty drug trials and delete unwanted data.
Shame on you for calling the vaccine safe and effective when that was never true.
Shame on you for calling the truth misinformation or disinformation, and letting others do so.
Shame on you for ignoring unprecedented injury reports.
Shame on you for watching as people got injured and died and then saying it was just a cost of doing the right thing.
Shame on you for using social pressure to get others to do something stupid.
Shame on you for claiming to be led by science but being unwilling to actually look at the science.
Shame on you for calling real scientists anti-science.
Shame on you for believing that your ignorance is noble and not holding yourself to a higher intellectual standard.
Shame on you for putting masks on kids and keeping them in a constant state of fear.
Shame on you for allowing children to get shots that are untested and unproven.
Shame on you for saying that you believe in science when you don't know the first thing about it.
Shame on you for being willfully ignorant.
Shame on you for claiming that your ignorance is the moral high ground.
Shame on you for being more worried about disrupting the shallow trappings of commercial life than the core principles of humanity.
Shame on you for swallowing and then defending the historically disreputable practices of the pharmaceutical industry.
Shame on you for not demanding that the clinical trials be completed.
Shame on you for allowing the control groups to be broken.
Shame on you for letting yourself feel smug and self-important by being in the in-group rather than thinking independently.
Shame on you for claiming to be smarter by virtue of your political beliefs.
Shame on you politicians for playing this game with people's lives.
Shame on you tech companies for censoring information.
Shame on you news networks for misinforming the public and not having any courage.
Shame on you doctors and nurses who have gone along.
Shame on you hospitals who have made money on bad health policies and not taken a stand.
Shame on you for denying or disparaging life-saving treatments.
Shame on you for going along with or enforcing unconstitutional mandates.
Shame on you for pretending that cloth masks reflected any scientific thinking.
Shame on you for thinking it was OK to dismissively call a Nobel prize-winning medicine horse paste.
Shame on you for accepting the censoring of unwanted information.
Shame on you for canceling truth-speaking individuals and groups.
Shame on you for labeling thoughtful people anti-anything.
Shame on you for ignoring the lessons of history, or not even knowing them.
Shame on you for giving away your personal power and control.
Shame on you for not teaching students how to think instead of what to think.
Shame on you for dividing your family and friendships because you think you think better than someone else.
Shame on you for being part of the mob shouting down those who actually do think better.
Shame on you for getting emotional and mad when we tried to bring up the criminality of the powerful.
Shame on you for calling things conspiracy theories.
Shame on you for thinking that individuals, organizations, companies, and governments don't conspire.
Shame on you for being comfortable with totalitarian policies.
Shame on you for not going back and recognizing the actual truth-tellers when you realized you'd been fooled.
Shame on you for letting some truth-tellers be jailed.
Shame on you for allowing political prisoners in our own country.
Shame on you for thinking that you can be forgiven because you are well-intentioned.
Shame on you churches for going along with this and having no moral backbone.
Shame on you for allowing them to call something safe and effective when it is neither.
Shame on you for shaming us.
Shame on me and us for not getting madder earlier.
Look carefully at yourself in the mirror. I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for the embarrassment and regret will feel. I'm angry at your cowardice. You better start apologizing quickly.