Saturday, July 13, 2019
Friday, July 12, 2019
Top Assange Defense Account Deleted By Twitter

One of the biggest Twitter accounts dedicated to circulating information and advocacy for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, @Unity4J, has been completely removed from the site. The operators of the account report that they have been given no reason for its removal by Twitter staff, and have received no response to their appeals.
Any Assange supporter active on Twitter will be familiar with the Unity4J account, which originated to help boost the wildly successful Unity4J online vigils in which well-known Assange defenders would appear to speak out against his persecution. As of this writing, the account has been gone for a day and a half.
“About 8:45am CST on Thursday July 11, one of our Unity4J Twitter team members went to retweet on the account and noticed that the account was no longer accessible,” reports pro-Assange activist Christy Dopf, one of the operators of the account. “When each of us also attempted to access the account we all received the same message ‘Account Suspended’. Twitter did not send us a reason or violation for the suspension. So an appeal was submitted. We did receive correspondence that Twitter got our request and the case is currently open. Unfortunately we do not have a timeline on how long this could take.”
I'm back on Twitter after the outage but @unity4J is still suspended - we did not receive an email or a reason for the suspension. Appeal process started. #FreeAssange #Unity4J
Speaking for myself as a vocal Assange supporter on Twitter, I can say that I’ve been following the @Unity4J account closely since its earliest days and I’ve never once seen it post anything other than highly professional-looking advocacy for Julian Assange. I’ve certainly never seen it post anything that could be construed as abusive, misleading, or otherwise in violation of any of Twitter’s posted rules.
This account’s deletion is just the latest in a long string of apparently biased actions against WikiLeaks and Assange by the immensely influential social media platform. That bias was made abundantly clear with Twitter’s ridiculous refusal to verify Assange while he was posting from his own account despite his undeniably being a significant public figure, and despite the fact that Twitter was well aware that the account was authentic. The platform has been receiving consistent complaints among Assange supporters of using shadow bans to marginalize their voices, as well as unfair posting locks and restrictions.
“It seems that Assange supporters have been targeted for suspension over the last few days and weeks, including the suspension of individuals (Yon Solitary, Monique Jolie) as well as accounts like Unity4J,” Unity4J co-founder Elizabeth Lea Vos told me today. “All of these suspensions are unacceptable, but I find the Unity4J suspension especially egregious because it was an amplifier of events across the board, not only actions run by Unity4J. It never broke the twitter rules and it was an activist account supporting a journalist who’s been silenced or ‘disappeared,’ so this suspension is an extension of that suppression. Assange asked us to become his voice, and platforms like Twitter appear to be actively working against the possibility of that effort.”
The main Twitter account defending Julian Assange, and therefore press freedom & freedom of speech, has been suspended. @Unity4J - suspended for defending a hero. #Unity4J
— @LeeCamp
Pro-Assange activists have been speaking out on Twitter against @Unity4J’s removal.
“The main Twitter account defending Julian Assange, and therefore press freedom and freedom of speech, has been suspended,” tweeted comedian and Redacted Tonight host Lee Camp. “@Unity4J — suspended for defending a hero.”
“HELP!! Twitter suspended @Unity4J The global #FreeAssange supporters account!” tweeted Assange’s mother Christine Assange. “Its a central point for updates, interviews and actions re my son politically persecuted journalist JULIAN ASSANGE! Please demand @TwitterSupport and @Jack re-instate it. Many thanks #Unity4J”
“I have no doubt that @Unity4J’s twitter account was suspended because it was a hub of useful information on solidarity events and actions in support of Assange, WikiLeaks, Chelsea Manning and more. Horrendous censorship to suspend the account, @TwitterSupport,” tweeted Elizabeth Lea Vos.
“If @Unity4J is not restored, it is proof that Twitter would have sided against the Free Mandela movement, and every other mass liberation movement of a ‘terrorist’ turned Nobel nominee,” tweeted Unity4J co-founder Suzie Dawson.
Many other Assange supporters have been flagging the attention of the Twitter Support account and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey objecting to the unjust silencing of a perfectly legitimate activist account, to no avail thus far.
HELP!! @Twitter suspended @Unity4J The global #FreeAssange supporters account! Its a central point for updates, interviews & actions re my son politically persecuted journalist JULIAN ASSANGE! Please demand @TwitterSupport & @Jack re-instate it. Many thanks #Unity4J
The censorship of political speech on online media platforms is a large and growing problem. Twitter has been better about this than the far more sycophantic Facebook and Google, but the discrimination against anti-establishment political speech is undeniable at this point. I myself was removed from the platform last year just for saying the world would be better off without warmongering US Senator John McCain in it, and was only restored after protests from high-profile Twitter users.
In a corporatist system of government, in which there is no meaningful separation of corporate power and state power, corporate censorship is state censorship. With giant Silicon Valley corporations aligning themselves with shady state-funded propagandistic think tanks like the Atlantic Council, being admonished on the Senate floor that they must help quash political rebellion, and being targeted for narrative control influence by the US military, there’s vanishingly little difference between what’s happening more and more to political speech with these tech giants and what happens in overtly totalitarian governments. The only difference is the stories people choose to tell themselves about it.
The time to speak up about this silencing is now. Your voice is next.
The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish or use any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.
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NEA Embraces the Woke Agenda — But Votes down “Student Learning”
Last week, thousands of teachers gathered in Houston for the National Education Association’s (NEA) annual convention. During the convention, any group of 50 delegates could bring to the floor a new business item, which is a one-year, non-binding resolution directing the union to take a certain action.
Over 160 new business items were proposed, including New Business Item 2, a motion pledging the NEA would “re-dedicate itself to the pursuit of increased student learning in every public school in America.” The resolution also proposed that the “NEA will make student learning the priority of the Association” and that every NEA program should be evaluated by asking, “How does the proposed action promote the development of students as lifelong reflective learners?”
When put to a vote of 6,000 NEA delegates, the motion failed.
It’s unclear why the NEA would vote against re-dedicating itself to “increased student learning,” since the vote happened in a closed door session. But with no obvious poison pills in the item, “supporting student learning” should be the easiest vote that these teachers take.
One would think that this motion’s defeat would be a public relations nightmare, because it could fuel the perception — a perception long denied by unions — that teachers unions look out primarily for teachers rather than students. But so far, that public relations nightmare hasn’t happened: Coverage of the convention in both mainstream media outlets and the education trade press have said almost nothing about the resolution’s failure.
Yet for anyone looking closely, delegates’ decision to vote down the “student learning” resolution comes into sharper relief when compared to resolutions that did pass. When it came to numerous left-leaning ideas — many with seemingly little relation to teaching kids — delegates eagerly voiced their approval. Over the course of the convention, the delegates endorsed “the fundamental right to abortion under Roe v. Wade,” enthused over reparations for slave descendants, and called on the US government to “accept responsibility for the destabilization” of Central American countries and that this destabilization is “a root cause of the recent increase of asylum seekers in the United States.”
And that’s not all. They also voted in favor of helping with the 2020 Census, supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, and teaching the concept of “White Fragility” (which they explain is produced by “white supremacy culture”) in NEA professional development.
Put together, the voting record from this year’s convention makes it pretty clear where NEA delegates’ priorities lie.
A similar focus was evident in the NEA conference agenda. During the convention, there were breakout sessions on topics like “Racial and Social Justice,” “Ethnic and Minority Affairs,” and “Women’s Issues.” Along with those discussions, delegates heard from a smorgasbord of progressive left warriors like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Bill de Blasio. Meanwhile, per the convention agenda, there wasn’t a single session devoted to curriculum and instruction, nor raising student test scores.
How can this be? The NEA represents 3 million members, mostly public school teachers of all walks of life, from all political persuasions — 60% of whom have identified as Republicans or independents. The vast majority of these members undoubtedly care deeply about helping kids learn. While we see many things differently than the NEA, we also know many members, and they’re reasonable people whom we highly respect. That’s why it’s so bizarre to watch the majority of NEA delegates eagerly dive into politically-fraught abortion and race debates, while voting down a clear commitment to prioritize student learning. So please, NEA: Can you explain?
This article was republished with permission from the American Enterprise Institute.
[Image credit: Pixabay via Pixabay License]
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Jeffrey Epstein: Sex Blackmailer for the Mossad and CIA
The corporate media will bury the Acosta accusation that Jeffrey Epstein worked for shadowy intelligence groups.
Vicky Ward’s July 9 Daily Beast story on Epstein contains information the media and its establishment controllers will at all cost have you forget. Alexander Acosta, the former US attorney in Miami that cut the original super-lenient Epstein prosecution deal in 2007 and is now Trump’s labor secretary, was told at the time to back off on serving justice in the case of a wealthy and well-connected serial pedophile. Acosta admitted this when he was coached by the Trump transition team ahead of a confirmation hearing.
Ward writes:
“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.)
I don’t intend to go into excessive detail on Epstein’s past and his associations. However, one purported mega-billionaire client of Epstein’s supposed money management service is at the center to the Epstein story—retail clothing tycoon Leslie Wexner.
Independent journalist Joachim Hagopian has done detailed research into Wexner and his “bizarre relationship” with Epstein. The story includes a close relationship with British socialite and the youngest child of the late publisher Robert Maxwell. According to authors Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon (Robert Maxwell: Israel’s Superspy, Carrol and Graf Publishers, 2002), Maxwell worked as a double agent for the Israeli Mossad and Britain’s MI6.
According to Hagopian’s research, Wexner, who is Jewish (as was Maxwell), shared a close relationship with the Mossad. This fact became apparent with the publication of “Wexner Analysis: Israeli Communication Priorities 2003.” This document advised pro-Israel advocates to repeatedly invoke the name of Saddam Hussein during the neocon invasion of Iraq. The paper, writes Ali Abunimah, was
commissioned by the Wexner Foundation, a private foundation that funds, among other pro-Israel initiatives, “Birthright Israel,” a program that pays for young American Jews to take free trips to Israel. The Israel Project is an initiative of pro-Israel organizations, political consultants and businesspeople.
Hagopian adds:
The report serves as confirmation that Wexner and his charity organization called the Mega Group provided the cover as a Zionist Mossad front actively influencing and dictating US war policy in the Middle East. Wexner’s Mega Group consists of about 20 fellow Jewish American financial titans who use their Zionist power to manipulate and control Washington into fighting illegal wars for Israel against the Islam religion and people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and eventually Iran, using their US-Israeli creation of al Qaeda/ISIS terrorists as proxy war allies to justify their prefabricated US “endless war on terror.” Wexner and company worked hand in hand with the neocons and Israeli first dual citizens behind the Project for a New American Century calling for their “new Pearl Harbor” 9/11 to justify US-Israeli global hegemony.
A former CIA and military intelligence officer, Robert David Steele, also believes Epstein is linked to the Mossad as part of an elaborate blackmail operation.
According to Steele, Epstein’s “[Lolita] island was rigged with video recorders. Many politicians have been compromised. It was a Mossad/CIA operation… There are videos of some of the most powerful players in the most humiliating positions. If this gets out, not only are the politicians ruined, but the extortion game is over and suddenly, the influence CIA and Mossad wield over Washington, is gone.” (Interview with Steele, The Millennium Report radio program, February 18, 2017.)
This explains Acosta’s comment and Epstein’s remarkably and probably unprecedented light sentence for violating children.
Indeed, Epstein’s controllers are way above Acosta’s “pay grade,” and there is little chance the full story on this blackmail operation will ever see the light of day—and if it does, like the Franklin sex scandal before it, the corporate media will turn it into a conspiracy theory on par with Pizzagate.
All stops will be pulled out to prevent the public from knowing the US and Israel blackmail our “representatives” through illicit sex in order to gain their support for the plan to wage forever war and also advance the Zionist scheme for “Greater Israel” and dominance in the Middle East.
Judge Shreds Mueller 'Evidence' Of Kremlin Meddling
‘Reputation managers’ get to work scrubbing Clinton-Epstein connection from Wikipedia
Google was accused of undertaking its own information warfare on Clinton’s behalf, tweaking its inscrutable algorithm to return photos of Epstein with President Donald Trump when users searched “Jeffrey Epstein Bill Clinton.”, July 10, 2019
Ship Seized In Record $1.3 Billion Cocaine Bust Belongs To JPMorgan
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
No Way Will Epstein Be Allowed to Expose Political Class Pedos
I will be sincerely surprised if the latest effort to put away child sex ring leader Jeffrey Epstein results in outing members of the political class.
And even if names are revealed—and quite a few already have—there is simply no way a criminal like Bill Clinton will be charged with raping minors and thrown in prison.
Clinton, of course, is guilty of much more serious crimes, for instance, bombing the former Yugoslavia and killing hundreds of innocent people, including children, and burning men, women, and children alive at Waco. These crimes are now at best footnotes.
It has been known for a long time Bill Clinton is a sexual predator, and yet all the evidence of this, out there for the public to see, has yet to result in criminal charges against him. Both Bill and his wife are way above the law and more or less untouchable.
Ann Coulter Thinks Epstein Had A “State Sponsor” & Was Running A “Blackmailing” Operation
— Tea Party (@TeaPartyOrg) July 9, 2019
The corporate media routinely protects the political and financial elite. Case in point: the Franklin child prostitution ring uncovered and subsequently recovered up in the late 1980s. It received widespread media coverage and was called the largest pedophile scandal in US history. It involved a number of US politicians.
And yet it disappeared from view. If you talk about the Franklin case, you’re considered a conspiracy nutter. Search on Google, and the first result will point to Wikipedia, which summarily dismisses the Franklin pedo scandal as a “carefully crafted hoax.,” as The New York Times put it in 1990.
There is ample evidence the US government is the largest criminal organization in the world. It engages in drug dealing (Gary Webb paid with his life for shedding light on this), massive financial manipulation, and mass murder on a horrific scale, from Vietnam to Iraq and beyond (with hundreds of smaller violent crimes along the way). The people responsible for these crimes have never been brought to justice—and never will be so long as the current system continues to operate in Mafia-like fashion.
You may recall what happened to Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the so-called DC Madam. Her client list reportedly included John McCain, Dick Cheney, Dick Morris, and other DC notables. She was found hanging in her mother’s backyard after insisting she would never commit suicide.
It is said Epstein will trade names for leniency. I don’t believe this is true. Revealing the names of politicians engaged in sex with underaged girls—and in the Franklin case, young boys—will almost certainly result in Epstein being found dead in his country club prison cell. He will likely serve the rest of his life silently wasting away in federal prison while the latest dust-up fades into the sunset.
The Jeffrey Epstein Sex Scandal Has Some Of The Biggest Names In America Shaking In Their Boots Right Now
Are we about to see some of the biggest names from Hollywood, Wall Street and Washington actually go to prison? As I discussed in the first part of this series, the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein has the potential to erupt into the biggest scandal that America has ever seen. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the […]
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Government That Tortures Journalists Bans RT From Media Conference

The British Foreign Office has banned Russian outlets RT and Sputnik from attending the upcoming Global Conference on Media Freedom in London, citing their predilection for “disinformation”.
“We have not accredited RT or Sputnik because of their active role in spreading disinformation,” said a Foreign Office spokeswoman.
“It takes a particular brand of hypocrisy to advocate for freedom of press while banning inconvenient voices and slandering alternative media; sadly, the world has learned to expect just that from the UK Foreign Office,” RT said in a statement in response.
“It amounts to direct politically motivated discrimination of the Russian channel,” said the Russian embassy in London. “The refusal of accreditation comes on top of the months-long smear campaign against RT by British political figures, governmental bodies, including media regulator Ofcom, and even fellow journalists.”
“Now a leading Russian international TV channel is denied access to the forum, despite being officially registered and working in the UK, on legal grounds,” the embassy added. “What better illustration of the real situation with media freedom in the UK does one need? Yet the organizers of the Conference, as far as we understand, wish to discuss the situation with media freedom anywhere in the world, but not in this country.”
UK govt organises international conference on 'media freedom', bans @RT_com (and Syria & Venezuela) from attending 'It takes a particular brand of hypocrisy to advocate for media freedom, while banning inconvenient voices and slandering alternative media'
The BBC’s report on this story hilariously contains a brazenly propagandistic video titled “What’s so different about Russia Today?” which carefully explains why it’s very important for the BBC’s audience to understand that RT is propaganda.
“They want to be an alternative view, which in fact is the propaganda machine of, and is paid for by, the Kremlin,” says the video by the BBC, a government-funded news station with an established history of collaboration with British intelligence to deplatform dissenting voices.
“The BBC tries to cover all the angles of the story, including those that wouldn’t be pleasant to the UK government,” the BBC video claims. “RT always picks up pundits, questions, issues, angles that show the Kremlin and the Russian government in a positive way.”
In reality, the BBC is very much guilty of enforcing what British journalist Jonathan Cook recently described as the “narrow manufactured consensus of supposedly rational policy — neoliberal orthodoxy at home, and neoconservative warmongering abroad.” Like all other mainstream British media, the BBC works to shrink the Overton window of acceptable debate and propagandize British citizens into arguing over how existing power structures should be aided and maintained instead of whether those power structures should exist at all. For the BBC to pretend that it is in any way superior to RT on any level is laughable.
But the BBC will certainly be in attendance at the Global Conference on Media Freedom, welcomed with open arms by the British government it only half-pretends to have an oppositional relationship with.
This would be the same British government that is currently holding journalist Julian Assange behind bars pending a US extradition hearing for exposing American war crimes. The same British government who UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer found guilty of participating in the psychological torture of that same journalist. The same Foreign Office whose head, Jeremy Hunt, told Face the Nation last month that he will allow Assange to be extradited to the US if he succeeds in his bid to become the next Prime Minister, after explicitly and repeatedly condemning the persecution of dissident journalists in other nations.
You won’t see any of this ridiculous, jaw-dropping hypocrisy called out by the BBC, nor by any other mainstream outlet in the uniquely spineless and sycophantic British media. Do you know where you will see this hypocrisy being criticized? RT.
The only reason RT and Sputnik exist with any degree of popularity in the west is because, contrary to what the BBC claims, people are unable to hear any voices that are critical of real power from western mainstream media. If the BBC or any other British outlet were to begin platforming actual anti-war, leftist and anti-establishment voices with any degree of regularity, I can guarantee you with 100 percent certainty that RT and Sputnik would immediately lose their UK audiences.
But that never happens, because British mass media does not “cover all the angles of the story, including those that wouldn’t be pleasant to the UK government” as the BBC claims, it publishes propaganda which directly benefits the underlying power structures of the UK government. Their job isn’t to tell the truth and hold power to account, their job is to normalize the status quo, manufacture consent for endless war, and tell you day in and day out that Jeremy Corbyn is a cross between Adolf Hitler and a werewolf.
The UK and Canada have launched a global campaign to #DefendMediaFreedom and shine a spotlight on media abuses. Today @Jeremy_Hunt, @cafreeland and Special Envoy on Media Freedom Amal Clooney discussed how we can reverse the trend of violence against journalists.
Jeremy Hunt longs for the days when a country could peacefully propagandize its citizens without this pesky problem of propaganda from other countries seeping into the mix and forcing everyone to think for themselves. We have been experiencing a brief but wonderful period where the internet has opened up rivers of information from all sorts of perspectives, but we will need to fight to keep those rivers flowing. Invisible censorship has already begun in earnest, and it’s at these conferences where they dream up even more insidious ways to throttle dissident voices.
Be vigilant. Fight them.
The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I’m trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish or use any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.
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Jeffrey Epstein's Wikipedia Page Stealth-Edited To Remove Ties To Democrats
Monday, July 8, 2019
The Jeffrey Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
We are about to open up a can of worms that could turn our entire country completely upside down by the time it is all said and done. Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s horrific crimes have been well known for a very long time, and I have been writing about them for many years. In fact, there […]
The post The Jeffrey Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History appeared first on The Most Important News.