By Alec Cope We Are Change “Don’t Be Evil&# […]
The post Got Chrome? Google Just Silently Downloaded This Onto Your Computer appeared first on We Are Change.
By Alec Cope We Are Change “Don’t Be Evil&# […]
The post Got Chrome? Google Just Silently Downloaded This Onto Your Computer appeared first on We Are Change.
If only we weren't so lazy, obesity wouldn't be a problem. That seems to be the assumption behind Michelle Obama's Let's Move! program which aims to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation.
But as with many government programs, Let's Move! avoided addressing the real cause of obesity. Because that would require taking on the food industry and its quest to foist ever more junk food products on unsuspecting Americans, especially children.
Terrorism: a term that justifies everything yet means nothing -- other than "violence we want to delegitimize."
The post Refusal to Call Charleston Shootings “Terrorism” Again Shows It’s a Meaningless Propaganda Term appeared first on The Intercept.
(NaturalNews) According to a shocking statistic from the Department of Veterans Affairs from 2013, 22 U.S. military veterans were committing suicide every day. And while the figure may have tempered somewhat since then, it still remains high.There have been a number of "mainstream... |
(NaturalNews) Mass shootings, sadly, have become a part of the American lexicon, and without question the majority of the American people are not comfortable with this fact. The latest outrage: A young white man who allegedly possessed some racist animosity went into a predominantly... |
Amnesty International report describes ‘shocking lack of fundamental respect for the sanctity of human life’ as nine states have no laws to deal with police force
Every state in the US fails to comply with international standards on the lethal use of force by law enforcement officers, according to a report by Amnesty International USA, which also says 13 US states fall beneath even lower legal standards enshrined in US constitutional law and that nine states currently have no laws at all to deal with the issue.
The stinging review comes amid a national debate over police violence and widespread protest following the high-profile deaths of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri; 43-year-old Eric Garner in New York; 50-year-old Walter Scott in South Carolina; and 25-year-old Freddie Gray in Baltimore – all unarmed black men killed by police within the past 11 months.
Continue reading...For those to whom online disclosure would still apply (the president, vice president, members of Congress, congressional candidates and individuals subject to Senate confirmation) the Senate bill made electronic filing of the information optional and struck the requirement that online information be searchable, sortable and downloadable, making even the disclosures that remain in the bill tepid and relatively unusable.
Not only does the change undermine the intent of the original bill to ensure government insiders are not profiting from non-public information (if anyone thinks high level congressional staffers don’t have as much or more insider information than their bosses, they should spend some time on Capitol Hill) but it sets an extraordinarily dangerous precedent suggesting that any risks stem not from information being public but from public information being online.
by Anthony Gucciardi Something we’ve been reporting on for years Pharmaceutical mammoth…
The post Report: Pfizer ‘Hid Link’ Between Anti-Depressants and Birth Defects appeared first on The Liberty Beacon.
Research links fluoridated water consumption to endocrine dysfunction, hypothyroidism, ADHD, and reduced IQ
Many water authorities do not use pharmaceutical grade fluoride; they use hydrofluosilicic acid—a toxic waste product of the fertilizer industry that is frequently contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins
Exclusive: Watchdogs shocked at ‘disconnect’ between doctors who oversaw interrogation and guidelines that gave CIA director power over medical ethics
The Central Intelligence Agency had explicit guidelines for “human experimentation” before, during and after its post-9/11 torture of terrorism detainees, the Guardian has learned, which raise new questions about the limits on internal oversight over the agency’s in-house and contracted medical research.
Related: 'Human experimentation' and the CIA: read the previously classified document
Continue reading...(NaturalNews) As corrupt California lawmakers push to implement Senate Bill 277, which would bar parents from opting their children out of vaccines for personal reasons, a whooping cough outbreak has reportedly occurred at a public school in the coastal town of Salinas, where 99.5... |
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine (formerly Archives of Internal Medicine) has revealed that taking statin drugs for high cholesterol increases one's risk of developing memory loss. But the mainstream media, funded in large part by pharmaceutical... |
The British Murdoch-owned paper publishes a report trying to exploit this mindset: "If some anonymous government officials said it, and journalists repeat it while hiding who they are, I guess it must be true."
The post The Sunday Times’ Snowden Story is Journalism at its Worst — and Filled with Falsehoods appeared first on The Intercept.