Thursday, March 30, 2017

Girl Gets Home From ‘Sex Education’ School Trip. Mom Notices Something IN Her Arm


A young girl went on a school outing sold as being done as ‘sex education’, but it seems to have been used as a trip to the doctors office beyond the reach of her parents.

The public school system, the federal government, and even some state governments have recently been destroying parental sovereignty.

“When the government gets up in the middle of the night to clean up puke from a sick child, then they can call themselves a parent.” says my sister!

Independent Journal Review reports:

A mother was horrified after her 16-year-old daughter’s school provided a service that she claims violated her parental rights. The mom, Miracle Foster, became aware of what happened during a school trip when she noticed a mark on her daughter’s arm.

The mark appeared after Foster’s daughter listened to a sex education lecture at her school, Langston Hughes Academy in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Foster’s daughter and several other girls allegedly requested more information, so the school set up transportation for them to visit Youth Services of Tulsa during the school day.

The mother claims a three-year Norplant implant, a form of birth control, was inserted into her daughter’s arm while she was at the clinic. Foster is upset that this happened without her consent.

According to WFTV, school principal Rodney L. Clark said he called the mother for permission before her daughter went on the trip. Clark also released a statement to clarify the Youth Services trip:

“This was not a field trip. Youth Services of Tulsa does an annual in-service on Sex Education. They offer students an opportunity to contact them on their own for more information. The parent gave her child permission to leave the school. Under Title X once young people are at the clinic and are of reproductive age, they can make decisions on their own without parental consent. As you can understand this situation involves a minor and we do not release information about students. Nevertheless, the student was well within their rights of Title X which is a federal guideline that provides reduced cost family planning services to persons of all reproductive age.”

To Foster’s dismay, no law was broken when the implant was put into her child’s arm.

Fox23 reports that teens as young as 12 years old are allowed to receive contraceptives without a parent’s consent, according to Title X federal guidelines.Pure insanity.

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