Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Elephant in the Room – Did the U.S. Government Kill Its Own Citizens at Parkland?


Troubling findings continue to emerge in the Parkland mass shooting. Eyewitness interviews suggesting a cover-up and other curious circumstances continue to surface even as the mainstream media goes into overdrive trying to censor alternative news sites contradicting the “official” narrative. The vitriol for any alternative view is evident with just a quick perusal of news from modern Pravda’s talking heads.

q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1615771115&Format=Not only are the accounts of the mass shooting they’re offering incredible, and the anti-gun narrative sprung in effortless fashion with students leading the charge, a relentless condemnation of “thought crimes” is underway.

The media wants you to ignore the fact there are numerous accounts from eyewitnesses stating that active shooter “drills” were going on at the school leading up to the event. The odds of having active shooter drills at a school only to have an active shooter show up are astronomically low.

Further, anyone who studies false flag events knows drills are held before being “flipped live” and turned into reality. Captain Eric May, former Army intelligence officer puts it this way:

The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out.

This is how historian Webster Tarpley claims 9/11 was conducted by forces within the U.S. government, with no less than 46 drills going on that fateful day. Many of the drills were identical to “terror” events that actually happened that day. And indeed, drills often accompany “terror” events – even in the 2005 London bombings.

q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=0930852885&Format=But, getting back to Parkland. The above interview from a student raises more troubling questions than answers. The Parkland senior claims she walked down the hall with Nikolas Cruz even as the mass shooting was underway! How could Nikolas Cruz be in class with her, and conducting a mass shooting at the same time? Of course, the student states she believes there had to be at least two mass shooters since she saw Cruz in the hallway – obviously unarmed as she made a joke with him, saying “I’m surprised it wasn’t you!” – after the principal came on the intercom requesting evacuation of the school.

Was Cruz a patsy? Was he brainwashed with Project Orion? One of the more lucid comments TNMM found regarding information that contradicts the official narrative:

Sounds like an FBI and CIA operation. Inform children to not be alarmed when hearing gunfire. Allow a mentally ill person, whom they were informed of and clearly investigated, to carry out a terrorist act. By telling the children to not be alarmed of gunfire from a drill, they insured many casualties.

That’s one possibility. There are many others. None of them are very flattering for officials and the government, including the fact officers stood down and waited around outside while the shooting was underway in the school! The media and government have proven time and again they are not to be trusted on any number of issues. So, skepticism is obviously warranted, especially when they tell us not to even think about looking behind the curtain or we’ll de-platform you.

This is the elephant in the room, the million dollar question that nobody seems to be asking or even concerned about. Are forces inside the U.S. government, specifically the CIA and FBI killing their own citizens by conducting false flags to fullfill former Attorney General Eric Holder’s 1995 demand?

We just have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday. We have to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.

Modern America is so full of lies it’s hard to know where falsehood ends and where the truth begins. Especially with “official” government statements and mainstream mierda fake news.

That said, if the CIA and FBI are conducting these mass shootings, or setting up circumstances so mentally deranged patsies can be fingered when the deed is done, where is President Trump on this issue? Is he controlled opposition? Or is he playing 4D chess as his supporters claim?

The fact the U.S. government could be committing acts of treason and mass murder hangs in the air like a thick fog. And yet, nobody seems to be talking about it.

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