Friday, November 23, 2018

CNBC Reveals Predatory Student Loan Process America, Inc. Uses to Exploit Its Youth


A pirate plundering ships on the high seas is to be more respected than today’s American robber baron elite, who cloak their evil deeds with fake virtue

Imagine my shock when mainstream media propaganda outlet CNBC penned an article describing the predatory student loan practices that have turned a generation of college students into debt slaves after graduation.

The astute gentleman, reading between the lines can easily see the American public has been taken advantage of yet again by an evil corporate-government complex, a.k.a. fascists posing as guardians of the public interest and saints fluttering about Capitol Hill.

These are the same bastards who imploded the middle class with a carefully schemed mortgage crisis, designed by Wall Street and Washington power brokers (especially that toothless wonder Barney Frank). It seems they have also designed a student loan bubble that’s been simmering for decades, and is now about ready to boil over, singeing the remnants of the dying middle class.

Barmak Nassirian, director of federal relations at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities peels back the curtain a bit to let us get a glimpse of the men behind it:

“Cost escalation, which would normally be met with consumer resistance, is being facilitated by the easy availability of credit.”

His key observation:

“It’s disturbingly similar to what happened to tank the mortgage market.”

With a bubble that has popped like the mortgage bubble, and others ready to pop, including but not limited to the student loan bubble (the credit card bubble is another massive source of debt likely to never be repaid) what we are witnessing is the culmination of the Cloward-Piven strategy which was designed to implode the American and world economies so that worldwide Communism could someday be implemented. It’s as simple as that.

TNMM has discussed the student loan bubble in the past, a massive problem that mainstream media outlets have been in denial about until recently as they continue to sell the masses on gilded college dreams and “little house in the suburbs” middle class fantasies. Of course, while telling them to take the “easy credit” offered to them by Big Daddy Government and his cacophony of predatory lenders.

Few realize it’s money that comes with the price tag of lifelong bondage.

Reality paints quite a different story from the fantasy America sells its youth about going to college to live a decent life. As is usually the case when one dares to peek outside into the Real World beyond the lies, lies, lies of The Anglo-American Matrix, horrors await those with eyes to see beyond the shadows on the wall. CNBC reports:

Ten years after the 2008 financial crisis, there are headlines of record low unemployment and a booming economy. Yet one area has only worsened over the decade and threatens that recovery: student debt. Average debt at graduation is currently around $30,000, up from $10,000 in the early 1990s.

Those who made these loans possible knew an undermined middle class could never repay them. Continuing from CNBC:

The country’s outstanding student loan balance is projected to swell to $2 trillion by 2022, and experts say a large portion of it is unlikely to ever be repaid; nearly a quarter of student loan borrowers are currently in a state of delinquency or default.

Yeah, they sold us a false bill of goods. From elementary school through high school graduation. Here’s what we get for “studyin’ hard” and “playing by the rules” and “staying away from those girls” and “getting an education”:

Because of these loans, many Americans are unable to buy houses and cars, start businesses  and families, save or invest.

I was one of those who did what the system told me to do and was unable to buy a house, pay a car off, save or invest. Low wages, high rents, student loan bills, and “life debt” i.e. food, water, and clothing meant I barely scraped by.

This, even though I was a local newscaster for over a decade. I only made survival wages the entire time I dressed up in a suit and tie to help sell the myth of America. I was at what George Carlin called Bullshit Junction, the intersection of news, entertainment, and advertising.

Here’s the truth about those news anchors reading scripts telling young Americans to go to college and sign up for loans that became non-bankruptable in 2005.

Your local newscaster who puts on heirs that they’re God Almighty speaking to you in HD from their Duratran-lined studio is usually little more than a low paid, boilerplate writing, corporate-muzzled mouthpiece in a musty suit. Usually in debt up to his (or her) eyeballs and scared to death he’ll lose his job once his indentured servitude, i.e. employment contract comes up for renewal in a couple of years. Believe these vacuous big mouths at your own peril.

After realizing I had been carefully placed into a trap by rent seekers who wanted to keep me spinning round and round in a cycle of debt slavery, I bailed on the farce to start doing whatever the fuck I want to do while a man still can.

I have been dealing with my student loans – that I paid on for 10 years only to watch the balance never go down and which were not dismissed by my Chapter 13 bankruptcy as they would have been before Congress changed bankruptcy laws in 2005 – by slashing my expectations, adopting minimalism and MGTOW to keep Anglobitches from stealing what little money I’m able to work out, and keeping my income low enough to qualify for IBR deferment.

Harvard Law School’s Toby Merrill explains my plight and the plight of millions who got the Great American Bait and Switch Job. Merrill said:

Predatory colleges target the same low-income populations that the subprime mortgage boom targeted by offering a similar promise of white picket fences and higher education as part of the American middle class dream.

As was the case with mortgage borrowers who got taken on a ride by the corporate-government complex, so have student borrowers been taken on a ride. Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of told interviewers:

“Family income has been flat, so their ability to pay for college has not changed even as college costs have increased.”

What happens is newly minted, college educated, Marxist indoctrinated corporate serfs become trapped a self-perpetuating cycle of debt that aims to milk them for the rest of their lives.

Collette Simone took on $200,000 of debt to get her doctorate in psychology. At least she caught onto the game. Sadly, only after the fact, like me.

“If you want to get ahead, you have to go into debt,” Simone said. “And then the whole debt structure is rigged to make sure you’re never going to get out of it.”

Indeed. That’s how the game is played at America, Inc. Simone’s $200k has become $400k even though she has paid $90k to the banking cartels.

Einstein knew compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe, something the physicist once stated in a tongue in cheek manner.

Simone, nearing retirement but heavily indebted now fears her Social Security check will be seized by edumacation system loan sharks.

Some college grads still haven’t caught on to how badly they’ve been screwed. But, in this Realtalk era more wake up each day to the extreme corruption of the predatory American power structure. CNBC writes:

Many student loan borrowers today express resentment and distrust toward their lenders and the companies that administer federal loan programs.

Those banksters and legislative prostitutes designing the trap feign sainthood even as the results of their actions reveal them to be devils, damning an entire generation to financial hell.

A growing body of research examines how student debt hinders people financially. A recent analysis by the Urban Institute found that a 1 percent increase in student debt decreases the likelihood of owning a house by 15 percentage points.

As student debt rises, young entrepreneurship is also falling. By the time college graduates reach age 30, the ones without student loans are predicted to have double the amount saved for retirement as those with them, according to a study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.

As always, your trusty public servants, banking cartels and upstanding corporate CEOs have shafted you with a smile. These people knew exactly what they were doing with their shuck and jive, and a credulous American public believed them.

Now it’s too late, and the vultures are coming in for the kill as they implode another sector of the economy then profit from handing Americans the bill just as they did in 2008 when they said their banks were Too Big to Fail™.

These loans were designed to be written off someday. I’m not paying mine back. Only a fool would put himself in a bind to pay for his own demise.

You’ve been had, once again America.

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