Thursday, April 9, 2015

Colorado introduces "Right to Record" bill - police would be fined for interfering with those filming them

In a pleasantly surprising yet most welcome turn of events legislators have proposed a bill that will protect photographers' rights and increase police oversight, rather than limit them suggested by several recent bills. Unlike the bill proposed in the nearby state of Texas, banning photography within 25 feet of police, Colorado's bill seeks to punish officers who interfere with lawful recordings of police activity by imposing significant penalties on violators. The bill, titled "Concerning Prohibiting A Peace Officer From Interfering With A Person Lawfully Recording A Peace Officer-Involved Incident", is just one of the steps being considered in order to increase police oversight in Colorado and hopefully it will lead to similar legislation in other states. Joe Salazar (D-Thornton), co-sponsor of House Bill 15-1290, said the bill "came up as a result of the number of news reports we've been seeing about police officers telling people, 'Give me your camera,' or taking the data away, and that is unacceptable conduct".

from Signs of the Times