Thursday, April 9, 2015

SOTT Exclusive: Mainstream Media's Schizophrenic Attitude Towards Conspiracy Theories -- Puppet Masters --

[Conspiracy Theory.] The very label serves as an automatic dismissal, as though no one ever acts in secret. Let us bring some perspective and common sense to this issue.
The United States comprises large organizations - corporations, bureaucracies, "interest groups," and the like - which are conspiratorial by nature. That is, they are hierarchical, their important decisions are made in secret by a few key decision-makers, and they are not above lying about their activities. Such is the nature of organizational behavior."Conspiracy," in this key sense, is a way of life around the globe.
Dolan continues:

Nearly everything of significance undertaken by America's military and intelligence community in the past half-century hasoccurred in secrecy. The undertaking to build an atomic weapon, better known as the Manhattan Project, remains the great model for all subsequent activities. For more than two yearsnot a single member of Congress even knew about italthough its final cost exceeded two billion dollars.

During and after the Second World War, other important projects, such as the development of biological weapons, the importation of Nazi scientists, terminal mind-control experiments, nationwide interception of mail and cable transmissions of an unwitting populace, infiltration of the media and universities, secret coups, secret wars, and assassinations all took place far removed not only from the American public, but from most members of Congress and a few presidents. 

Indeed, several of the most powerful intelligence agencies were themselves established in secrecy, unknown by the public or Congress for many years.
SOTT Exclusive: Mainstream Media's Schizophrenic Attitude Towards Conspiracy Theories -- Puppet Masters --

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