Thursday, January 26, 2017

Democrats Going Bonkers Over Betsy DeVos: New at Reason


During her confirmation hearings for secretary of education, Democratic senators used Betsy DeVos as a prop to grandstand about every ideological hobbyhorse ofBetsy DeVos theirs – some such as gun control that didn't even have anything to do with education. And then they turned around and accused her of being an ideologue who was unwilling to see the evidence against her beloved charter schools. But by foregoing an opportunity to engage her views, notes Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia, it seems they themselves don't want to see the evidence of failure against their teachers' union-conrolled beloved public schools.

Maybe once she's confirmed, which she will on Jan. 31, they will get off their highhorse and actually start listening. But don't hold your breath.