Friday, March 30, 2018

"Whom the gods wish to destroy": The Telford child sex scandal and the end of England



I've got to assume that very few Americans ever heard of Telford, a district in the English West Midlands. Steve Sailer admits to never having heard of it; and if Steve hasn't heard of it, nobody has. This is excusable. There was no such place as Telford until 1968. That was when bureaucratic managerialism in Britain was in the ascendant. Ancient towns and villages were being grouped together in strange new entities under stone-faced administrators filled with a conviction of their own managerial competence. Britain's old counties were reorganized to suit the inclinations and convenience of these mandarins, and people were shoveled around like so many truckloads of concrete. Shortly afterwards Britain entered the European Union, and those British mandarins, to their delight, became globalist apparatchiks, with way bigger expense accounts. They must have had many a laugh with each other, over the champagne and truffles, at how easy it had been. It was the end of old England. Mass Third World immigration was a key component of the new order. British people who dared to raise their voices against what was happening - people like Enoch Powell - were insulted, abused, and hounded out of public life.