Forget about Russians stealing the election. Democrats and Never Trump neocons are pushing the Nazi angle, or the white nationalist or supremacist angle to discredit the Orange Narcissist. They insist he is a card-carrying racist wandering the halls of the White House vested in a white sheet, muttering threats against carpetbaggers, scalawags, LGBTQ, QUILTBAG, GSRM, and MOGAI persons. If you watch CNN, you will discover the hatred is palpable.
Of course, any self-respecting Nazi naturally hates and wants to harm Jews, but this side of the Trump Nazi configuration is missing.
Trump loves the Jews. He loves Israel. He’s buddies with Bibi Netanyahu. His son-in-law is an Orthodox Jew (and his daughter converted) in deep support of fanatical Jewish settlers, the kind that destroys olive groves, floods Palestinian crops with raw sewage and runs down Palestinian kids when they are encountered on the road.
On Wednesday, Trump tweeted:
….like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God…But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2019
Donald Trump, King of Israel, loved by the Jews of Israel. He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, said the Golan and the West Bank are Israel’s to do with whatever it pleases (namely, ethnically cleanse and establish Jewish-only settlements). In Petah Tikvah, they named a roundabout after Trump. For Zionist Jews, Trump is the best president ever. It’s almost like he’s the president of Israel.
According to a University of Maryland poll:
Israeli Jews’ love for the U.S. president. Fifty-nine percent of Jewish Israelis have a favorable opinion of the president, including more than 70 percent of Haredi Jews and non-Haredi religious Jews. Even among secular Israeli Jews, 45 percent have favorable views of Trump, and 30 percent have unfavorable views.
This love fest is muddying the white supremacist waters. How can Trump be a self-respecting Nazi and white supremacist if he loves and is loved in return by Israeli Jews? Of course, this “love” is conditional, based on a continuation of money confiscated from witless American taxpayers flowing into Israel along with a lot of high-tech weapons to keep the “holy land” a Jewish-only state.
Here’s the problem. When Trump-haters say “Nazi,” they’re referring to a Hollywood generated version of a Nazi. Few understand what a real Nazi is, let alone a fascist. Cognitive dissonance resonates. The word is nothing but a weakly understood pejorative dragged out whenever somebody disagrees with somebody else over largely irrelevant political issues (while far more serious problems fester in the shadows).
Most fail to realize fascism is corporatism and the real fascists are sitting on the boards of transnational corporations and international banks. They fund the DNC-RNC (two heads of a hydra state) and corporatist foundations fund many leftist and progressive organizations.
Donald Trump isn’t a Nazi, a fascist, or even nationalist. He’s a malignant narcissist and a crony capitalist previously neck-deep in corruption and shady business deals.
But none of this matters. The narrative is set in stone. Trump, the deplorables, the RNC, conservatives, libertarians—all are Nazis. Reality does not enter into the equation. Fantasy is spun by the propaganda media. All Donald needs to do now is grow the appropriate mustache.
So look for a lot of Nazi nonsense in the months ahead. Get ready for congressional hearings on white nationalism, more deplatforming, more Antifa attacks, and possibly more mass shootings attributed to Nazis, white supremacists, Proud Boys, Norse rune symbol tattoo psychopaths posting rambling manifestos on 8chan, and a host of cartoon villains featured between adverts for prescription drugs on CNN-MSNBC-CBS, etc.
Of course, on the day a handpicked Democrat steps into the White House, all this Nazi business will evaporate. Nazis were not an issue when Obama was president, although the SPLC and ADL obsessively set off fire alarms warning about white nationalist terrorists.