Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Here's the reason why they want as close to 100% vaccination rate as possible


They are using every trick in the book to get as many people as possible to get get their injection. Here's the reason why. Injections are still officially under phase 3 of their development. They are expected to end on October 27, 2022 for moderna. Similar timelines for other vaccines.

That means we are all clinical trial volunteers for a vaccine that was not approved. It they had to wait until it is approved, they would have been in for a 10 years long series of phases to know well the extent of adverse events, and to ensure it is safe. They would have met all kinds of technical barriers. It's too long for what they have planned. "the covid crisis is an opportunity" said freak schwab. The opportunity would have slipped away long ago.

Now, if they get 100% of people vaxxed by the end of the clinical trial, who do they compare the effects of the vaccine to ? You need a group of vaxxed, and a group of unvaxxed individuals to compare the effects of the vax. If a significant part of the population remains unvaxxed, and we witness a large part of the vaxxed population has died of myocarditis, ADE, heart failure, etc... while the unvaxxed population is fine, we start to have undeniable evidence the vax is responsible for the damage. Therefore there is incriminating evidence to sue those guys who want to vax us all so desperately. They can disguise deaths due to the vax the same way they deaths due to old age became deaths due to covid back in early 2020. They won't be able to cheat with infertility, or heart problems, stats however.

They did the same thing with childhood vaccines. deaths due to measles, tetanus and stuff significantly dropped to close to 0, BEFORE they started mass vaccinations in the mid 1960s. The narrative is the vaccines are responsible for this, and "save lives". Today, thanks to decades of propaganda, corruption, tax incentives to parents, coercion measures, we have over 95% vaccination rates in most countries. Try to challenge the narrative, I mean a legal battle in a court, you won't get very far. Who can you compare with, to prove vaccines don't make your children healthier ? There is no significant group you can compare with. Plus you would be facing pharma and their trillions of dollars. There are many feedbacks by pediatricians that their unvaxxed little patients are much healthier than their vaxxed ones. But these remain anecdotal. Many people have asked for a double blind study. This would be the ultimate right thing to do. It would shut all "conspiracies" related to childhood vaxx for good. Thing is they have always refused to conduct such studies. Hmmm....I wonder why. Officially the excuse they have is it would be unethical, the unvaxxed children would be exposed to these deadly deadly diseases. Now, pharma has to enforce vaccinating all kids, FOREVER, or we may (would?) have factual, undeniable evidence vaccines are unnecessary.

They are repeating the same scenario with the covid vax here. Now that mass vaccinations have started, they have a tight schedule, because the bad adverse reactions will soon appear on large scales. They cannot afford to wait years to reach close to 100% vaccination rates. That's why they're going over the top with their vax propaganda.

They announce they want 70% vaxxed by end of the year. They are sharing hints to their tight schedule. Politicians claim everything will slowly reopen then. From there, they will make the life of unvaxxed impossible, in order to close the gap, and get as close to 100% as possible.

So, the key is to resist. At least until October 2022. Even though it feels far away. The unvaxxed are the control sample of the experiment. If by then we witness mass casualties, as expected, and there is a significant enough part of the population still unvaxxed, there is legal matter to go after these criminals in hugo boss suits.

TL;DR : to get away with crime.

submitted by /u/Extreme-Tea
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