(NaturalNews) In a stunning piece of real journalism that nails the story behind the story, former NBC Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Bob Arnot went on CNN to expose the truth behind the quackpot attacks against Doctor Oz. This is the truth that, almost without exception, every other... |
....The real truth in all this is that glyphosate causes cancer, GMOs are a crazy genetic experiment unleashed on our world, and the truth of all this is being systematically suppressed by the "Monsanto Mafia" running its heavily funded discredit campaign. It's about time CNN finally reported the beginning of the truth on all this.
No doubt there's a legitimate Pulitzer Prize in store for whoever uncovers all the details on the "Monsanto Mafia." That is, if there are any journalists remaining who can remember what courage means... (Sharyl Attkisson, anyone?)
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049424_Dr_Bob_Arnot_Doctor_Oz_CNN_video.html#ixzz3XuH4leVCfrom NaturalNews.com http://www.naturalnews.com/049424_Dr_Bob_Arnot_Doctor_Oz_CNN_video.html