Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Proof: Pertussis vaccine causes illness | Natural Health 365

Proof: Pertussis vaccine causes illness | Natural Health 365: "The truth is that the medical community has known about the pertussis vaccine dangers since at least 2010. One study done in California after a whooping cough outbreak there showed that 81 percent of whooping cough cases in children occurred in those who had received the pertussis vaccine; only eight percent of the infected persons had not been vaccinated.
The study also showed that infection rates markedly increased after three years of receiving the vaccine.
This study, as well as the current Park City outbreak, are more than enough evidence that the pertussis vaccine is not only ineffective, but that is seems to be causing more cases of the illness. However, instead of renewing their explorations into the truth, medical professionals are characterizing these developments as a “good reminder to keep kids up to date on immunizations.”"

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