Monday, January 17, 2022

A Shockingly High Percentage Of The U.S. Population Actually Wants An Authoritarian “Big Brother” Police State

As we have seen all throughout human history, those that would like to impose tyranny upon a nation need at least a certain percentage of the population to go along with their plans.  It doesn’t even have to be a majority.  All that is required is enough “true believers” to enforce the tyrannical dictates of the elite.  Many had assumed that the United States would always be immune from such a scenario because our Constitution guarantees certain liberties and freedoms.  Unfortunately, things have dramatically changed in recent years.  Today, a surprisingly large percentage of the U.S. population is openly embracing authoritarianism, and that should deeply alarm all of us.

If you think that I am exaggerating, let’s take a look at some of the results of a recent Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports national survey.  I will pull certain lines from their report and put them in bold, and then I will follow with my own thoughts…

“48% of voters favor President Joe Biden’s plan to impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the employees of large companies and government agencies”