Guest Post by Eric Peters
Volvo has just announced it will recall about a half-million cars because of the safety threat suggested by the death of a single person, the result of a defective airbag. This is not a criticism of Volvo. It is a means of criticizing the adamant refusal of the drug-pushers to recall their far-more-dangerous products.
Hardly a day goes by without a credible report of someone who was pushed to take the drugs – styled “vaccines,” even though they do not vaccinate against anything but merely (supposedly) reduce the severity of the symptoms of the sickness supposedly being “vaccinated” against – suffering what is styled an “adverse event.”
These include death and disabling problems that end life.
Imagine a car company describing the death of someone by defective air bag an “adverse event.” Imagine the hue and cry hat would ensue if a car company deliberately downplayed or even hid its knowledge of such an “adverse event.”
Of course, this doesn’t happen with cars – because the government dislikes them.
It wants to find a reason to get them off the road and to get people to dislike (or at least, be wary of) cars.
For this reason, the least little risk is always cause for “action,” as it is usually framed. Think of the “action” that resulted when a handful of careless drivers backed over a child in the driveway. All new cars were quickly required to be made with back-up cameras.
But when a child – when children – die or are horribly crippled by the drugs the government wants pushed, it’s no problem. Right now, the government is champing at the bit to force more kids – even babies – to have drugs pushed into their bodies.
As this writer has suggested in previous columns, if the standards applied to cars – by people, themselves (forget about the government) – were applied to the drugs being pushed, the “market” for these drugs would collapse faster than a 47 story steel framed building not hit by airplanes or weakened by a jet fuel fire. As regards cars, all it takes is people hearing that a given make/model’s engine burns oil excessively to cause most of them to not buy it. Anything actually dangerous calls out an army of Johnny Cochrans, their money-grubbing jihad boosted by the hymnal praise of “consumer” advocates and invariably strengthened by threats of . . . government “action.”
Hence the Volvo recall – before the government took “action.”
There is only reverse “action” when it comes to these drugs being pushed – as far as the government goes, at least.
But there is growing pushback – by the people who are the object of all this pushing. Who – in spite of the interesting silence about all the “adverse events” (including more than 17,000 permanent adverse events recorded by VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) emanating from the usually “concerned” quarters – are expressing their concern.
A large number of people who work for Southwest Airlines walked off the job or threatened to and thereby crippled the operations of Southwest Airlines. The conglomerate press tried hard to suppress this, attributing the mass cancellation of flights to “bad weather” – which miraculously did not affect any of the other drug-pushing airlines. The truth could not be suppressed entirely however – especially when the protestors took to the streets and publicly made it clear why the flights had to be cancelled.
Southwest’s management stopped pushing the drugs.
The CEO of Delta airlines has pushed back against the pushers, too – stating that his airline will likewise not push drugs on its employees. An interesting aspect of this development is a report making the rounds that a Delta flight out of LAX had to make an emergency landing because its pilot died in the left seat – after having rolled up his sleeve. If this is true, it would explain a lot.
The people who knew that captain know what happened. That sort of thing can’t be shut up, even if it not reported. Faced with the inexplicable death of a previously just-fine colleague, the dead man’s colleagues might just ruminate that his demise was in fact explicable. And they do not wish to share his fate. No job is worth dying for.
Even if it’s a multi-million-dollar job, as a professional athlete.
The once-shocking jock, Howard Stern – who has become The Man’s poodle and for that reason is no longer edgy or even funny – tried to publicly shame Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving for pushing back against the pushers, calling him the country’s “top idiot.” But Irving knows – and knows about – other professional athletes, including Atlanta Hawks point guard Brandon Goodwin. Who was a healthy young man – until he succumbed to the pressure being applied by the drug pushers. He developed blood clots – a recurrent theme – that ended his season, probably his career and maybe his life.
No amount of abuse from a tired old man such as Stern is going to get a healthy young man like Irving to ignore what he knows – even if it costs him a million dollars.
And now – the latest – it’s percolating up that 750 GE employees are pushing back against the pushers.
Because it’s now a matter of life and death.
This is not the previously usual infringement of rights – or filching of our pockets. It is a mortal threat and that tends to motivate people, especially the more people become aware of the fact.
The drug pushers worked hard to exaggerate the threat of the ‘Rona – and attributed practically every death they could to it, including most recently the death of a cancer-riddled 84-year-old ColinPowell. Which is like saying the Titanic sank because one of the rats in the hold scurried from port to starboard and unbalanced it.
It worked – because people do fear death. But that works the other way ’round, too. Especially once people figure out that – this time – the threat is real and aimed directly at them.