Friday, December 31, 2021

The Unvaccinated Are Idiots?

Tony Blair recently graced us with his insight that anyone who still refuses to get vaccinated is an “idiot.”

“Frankly, if you’re not vaccinated at the moment and you’re eligible and you’ve got no health reason for not being vaccinated, you’re not just irresponsible, I mean you’re an idiot.”

Blair’s claim can be dismissed based on his dishonest character. He perpetrated fraud and murder two decades ago by lying that Iraq had WMD and was aiming to nuke us.

But let’s look at the merits: Is Tony lying again? Is it idiotic not to get vaccinated?

There’s no longer any debate: these “vaccines” don’t prevent transmission. COVID-19 and its “variants” are being spread by the vaccinated. So getting vaccinated won’t “protect others.”

But these drugs reduce the symptoms! They reduce death and hospitalization! Right? Then why are “the fully vaccinated” being hospitalized and even dying – including Tony Blair co-conspirator Colin Powell?