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Significant levels of the weed killing chemical glyphosate have been found in all oat derived samples that were sampled by the Environmental Working Group (EGW), a public health organization.
The report, released in 2018, was published by Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., senior science advisor and Alexis Temkin, Ph.D, Toxicologist. They explain,
“Major food companies like General Mills continue to sell popular children’s breakfast cereals and other foods contaminated with troubling levels of glyphosate, the cancer-causing ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. The weedkiller, produced by Bayer-Monsanto, was detected in all 21 oat-based cereal and snack products sampled in a new round of testing commissioned by the Environmental Working Group.”
The tests detected glyphosate in all 28 samples of products made with conventionally grown oats. All but two of the 28 samples had levels of glyphosate above EWG’s health benchmark of 160 parts per billion, or ppb.
According to EWG,
“Products tested by Anresco Laboratories in San Francisco include 10 samples of different types of General Mills’ Cheerios and 18 samples of different Quaker brand products from PepsiCo, including instant oatmeal, breakfast cereal and snack bars. The highest level of glyphosate found by the lab was 2,837 ppb in Quaker Oatmeal Squares breakfast cereal, nearly 18 times higher than EWG’s children’s health benchmark.”