Joe Biden with son Hunter Biden
Already, a survey has charged that had the legacy and social media powerhouses in the United States not suppressed negative facts about Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, President Trump would be in the White House today.
That's the result from a survey commissioned by the Media Research Center that found one in six Biden voters in seven swing states said they would not have voted for the Democrat last year if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them.
MRC said that a "shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden."
Those issues, suppressed by left-leaning interests, included Hunter Biden's financial dealings with foreign countries, the sexual assault accusation against Joe Biden and a list of accomplishments by President Trump.
But it seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Constitutional expert Jonathan Turley pointed out in an online column how he previously marveled at how the Biden family as able to make the scandal over Hunter Biden's laptop computer, and its damaging information, disappear.
"It was analogized to Houdini making his 10,000-pound elephant Jennie disappear in his act. The Biden trick however occurred live before an audience of millions. Now, in an encore, a new major story on Biden’s Chinese dealings has surfaced. Once again, poof!" he wrote.
He said "the media" simply made the questions about how a company Hunter Biden held ownership in was able to insert itself into a massive deal that transferred ownership of an African mine, producing cobalt that is required for electric vehicle batteries, to Chinese interests.
The previous owners had been American and Canadian entities.
But, he noted, "ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and other media just cannot see the elephant."
He said it's amazing, because "the story has all of the elements that the media longed to confirm during the Trump administration on the financial dealings of the Trump children. The son of the president was involved in a successful effort to hand over a strategically vital natural resource to the Chinese that would guarantee their dominance in one of the most important new industries of the 'Green economy.' This occurred during a period when Hunter Biden and his uncle were accused of running a global influence peddling operation with foreign powers that cashed in on the vice presidency of Joe Biden. Then there is the fact that the story appears to contradict denials of continuing ownership in such foreign interests by the Bidens."
WND already has reported that columnist Jonathan Tobin at The Federalist has called on the Bidens, both Joe and Hunter, to come clean on the dealings.
It was an investment firm that included Hunter Biden that helped broker a 2016 deal that gave a Chinese state-backed company control of a massive African mine rich in cobalt — a mineral essential for the production of electric car batteries.
That acquisition now, of course, is being elevated in value by President Biden’s $2 trillion social spending plan, which earmarks billions of dollars to promote electric vehicles.
In 2016, an investment firm founded by Hunter Biden with several Chinese partners was cut into a complex $3.8 billion transaction that transferred 80 percent of Congo’s Tenke Fungurum mine from an American company to Beijing-backed China Molybdenum.
Joe Biden was vice president when the deal was struck.
And the mine is one of the world’s largest sources of cobalt — and China’s control of the mineral "presents a critical vulnerability to the future of the U.S. domestic auto industry," Biden’s White House reported in June.
Turley noted the mine operation was considered a human rights nightmare, as the Congolese military reportedly reduced workers to slave status.
"However, there was money to be made and Hunter Biden was there to lend the Biden name to the enterprise. BHR served as a minority stakeholder to buy out around $1.14 billion of shares from Lundin Mining of Canada, a partial owner of the mine. China Molybdenum then bought BHR’s shares two years later to give it 80% of ownership of the mine and control of the vital natural resources," he explained.
He noted that all of this means that Hunter Biden likely was getting, through the election, "money from a variety of companies with close ties to the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian governments."
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