This story is about a hero doctor and a human being of great courage and integrity, Dr. Meryl Nass — who is an internist in Maine with proven expertise in hard-to-treat chronic illnesses as well as bioterrorism and epidemics.
I recently had the privilege of conducting an extensive interview with the brave Dr. Nass. I am including the full transcript at the end of this article for those who like to read transcripts. By the way, when I initially published the interview, YouTube deleted the video in less than five minutes. Dr. Nass must be onto something!
Dr. Nass’ plight defending the sanctity of science and doctor-patient relationship is for all of us. May her victory over the attackers come quickly and be solid — and may it stand in the way of the Great Reset.
Dr. Nass is under an attack for being outspoken and loyal to her medical calling. Recently, Dr. Nass’ medical license was suspended by the state medical board in Maine for “spreading misinformation” and prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Not only that, she was also ordered to undergo a neuro-psychological evaluation, Soviet style.