Monday, January 31, 2022

The Big Short – Pfizer and Moderna: The New Enron; Are Criminal Charges Def

In this supercharged episode of Steve Bannon’s War Room, he covers Joe Biden’s largest human smuggling operation in history with New York Congresswoman Claudia Tenney and with Real America’s Voice correspondent, Ben Bergquam at the Women for American First Border Law Enforcement Event in McAllen, TX.

There are many reasons to impeach Joe Biden but his administration’s repeated and aggravated violation of immigration law, chartering flights filled with illegal migrants in the middle of the night into towns all over this country are a flagrant violation of his oath to protect the American homeland and its citizens.

Bannon then speaks with international correspondent, Ben Harnwell about the paranoia-infused upcoming Omicron Olympics in China.

Bannon then gets into the piercing of Big Pharma’s liability shield with former BlackRock executive, Edward Dowd, who believes that the global medical tyranny that we have seen was erected for the purpose of managing the mass rioting that will occur during the imminent unraveling of our financial system.