Tammy Buettner, who was fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, testifies before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on Sept. 13, 2022 (Video screenshot)
In tearful testimony before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, a pediatric nurse rebuked the supervisor whose vaccine mandate led to her dismissal, preventing her from caring for children whom she charged were contracting myocarditis from the shots amid a cover-up.
"I'm a nurse – at least I was – at Rady Children's in the cardiovascular intensive care unit," said Tammy Buettner at the Sept. 13 meeting, "until Nathan and his misinformation pandemic caused me to lose my job."
Her reference was to Nathan Fletcher, whose failed policies, she said, caused the loss of a career she loved.
Buettner said she cared for children suffering from myocarditis "after the vaccine."
As a charge nurse, she asked physicians why they weren't reporting the vaccine injuries to the databased established by the CDC and the FDA to provide safety signals, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS.
Buettner said it was an "unspoken" rule that personnel in the unit were not allowed to talk about the lack of reporting.
"I've worked for 13 years in this community taking care of some of the sickest patients," she said, choking back tears. "The day before I was taken away from my position, I was actively given compressions to a child ... pushing calcium into his veins to keep him alive."
The child went home, she said, "yet I was ridiculed by those who were supposed to be my colleagues and my friends."
"I am the face of your misinformation campaign, Nathan. I am the one who lost my career in pediatric cardiovascular ICU care," she said.
Buettner, who noted she never got COVID, said she followed the rules, testing for the disease twice a week and wearing the required protective equipment, "because I loved by job and I loved this community."
Establishment media "fact checkers," relying on the CDC, typically have slapped a "misinformation" label on reports that the COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a significantly high rate of myocarditis, potentially causing blood clots, heart attack or stroke.
But the CDC's analysis of its own Vaccine Safety Datalink surveillance data shows the incidence of myocarditis after vaccination is three to five times higher for young men than what the agency was reporting at this time last year.
See her testimony:
In an interview later with San Diego's KUSI-TV, Buettner said the speech she gave to the board earlier this month was not the one she intended.
She explained that she was prepared to address the board's allocation of funds for COVID testing.
"But when I got up there, I just was explaining who I was, and realized I'm not a nurse anymore," she said. "I don't take care of these children anymore, and that's the speech I ended up giving."
Buettner told KUSI she called Fletcher's office to voice her concerns and never received a call back.
See the interview with KUSI-TV:
Attention @NathanFletcher: You represent all of your constituents, not just those that voted for you.
Why are you ignoring Tawny Buettner?
Buettner lost her career as a nurse due to the vaccine mandate.
Full Interview: https://t.co/YyrtfOvC6Y pic.twitter.com/CSViw2Kiot
— KUSI News (@KUSINews) September 14, 2022
IMPORTANT NOTE: How is it possible that the greatest and freest nation in world history has so rapidly come under the control of serially lying, deranged, power-mad sociopaths – leaders with nothing but contempt for America, for its history, its Constitution, its Judeo-Christian culture and its people? Orwell’s “1984” points directly to the answer: The elites are changing America’s language itself, so that people’s words – and therefore, their very thoughts – inevitably come under the control of the ruling class. It’s a way of bending reality in real time, so that what is illusion appears to be true, while what is real and true appears to be lies, misinformation, “hate speech,” “conspiracy theories” and “extremism.” This extraordinarily powerful but little-understood weapon of war employed 24/7 by the Marxist left is completely explained, exposed and exploded in the August issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower agazine, “NEWSPEAK 2022: How tyrants and lunatics are enslaving Americans by redefining everything.”
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