Sunday, January 23, 2022

Alberta just inadvertently confessed to fiddling the COVID vaccination stats.

Those who have done the slightest bit of research (really not a dirty word), will know that there is no claim of protection after the first dose of the COVID vaccine.

So imagine how you can conflate the vaccine effectiveness stats if you dump all the hospitalizations and deaths that occur within 14 days of the first dose into the unvaccinated.

Well, now we know for sure from the data published by the Government of Alberta1. Like everywhere else in the world they claim very impressive vaccine effectiveness by following the fraudulent standard set by the drug manufacturers in the pantomime clinical trials, i.e. to ignore the adverse outcomes in the first two weeks post administration.

But then they go one better and actually inflate the unvaccinated numbers too. And this is on top of dumping the events within 14 days of dose 2 in the partially vaccinated as well, of course.

Almost half of all COVID hospitalizations of the newly vaccinated occurred within 14 days which means they were treated as unvaccinated in the stats.

Not only that but almost 80% occurred within 45 days. I’ll have to check with my friend, Jessica Rose, who is the expert on time-causality but it looks pretty positive to me.

In terms of deaths, the duplicity is even more severe with almost 56% of deaths of the newly vaccinated occurring within 14 days and almost 90% within 45 days.