Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Another FOIA Request Shows Only 6,183 UK Deaths Can Be Attributed To COVID Alone


We recently published an article about a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request released  that the end of 2021 in the United Kingdom. The official government documents said that 17,371 was the total number of people who died of COVID without any pre-existing conditions in England and Wales from the beginning of 2020 up until the end of Sept 2021.

Now, we’ve come across another request that was released on Jan 17, 2022 showing that there have only been 6,183 deaths caused solely by COVID in England and Wales between Feb 2020 and Dec 2021.

We are trying to figure out why these two sets of data are so drastically different. The location is the same and the small number actually has a longer timeline. The only explanation is that the 17,371 number was not up to date data. That request does say it’s “preliminary data” whereas the request showing 6,183 does not say that. This hints to the idea that the FOIA release from Jan 17, 2022 is a more accurate representation.

We sent an email off to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the UK for some clarity and didn’t receive a reply that gave us clarity. We are still awaiting another reply and will update this article when and if we do get one.

The main takeaway here is that the number of deaths solely attributed to COVID in the UK is exponentially smaller than the number of deaths that have underlying causes listed on the death certificate alongside COVID.

This doesn’t come as a surprise. In the United States, 95% of people who have died with COVID-19 have had at least one comorbidity listed as the cause of death. The average is four comorbidities.” Here in Ontario, Canada, health authorities have admitted to marking deaths as a COVID death when it’s not even clear if COVID was the cause.

For example, Ontario Public Health clearly states,

Any case marked as “Fatal” is included in the deaths data. Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death.

Ontario Public Health. How Ontario is responding to COVID-19. Footnote #7

The government recently admitted that approximately 50 percent of “COVID” hospitalisations aren’t actually hospitalizations as a result of COVID. For example, someone may come in for another reason and test positive for COVID upon arrival. That is added to the COVID hospitalization statistics.

This doesn’t mean that those with underlying conditions did not die from COVID, it means it’s unclear. For example, some may have simply tested positive when admitted to the hospital for their other underlying condition and died of a heart attack. Others may have had a heart attack that was caused by COVID. People with underlying health conditions have always been more susceptible to COVID and other viruses.

It’s also known that the vast majority of people susceptible to COVID and other viruses are over the age of 80. This is why a more focused protection plan would have been more suitable, something The Great Barrington Declaration has advocated for.

In the UK, based on the FOIA request released at the end of 2021 mentioned atop the article, the average age of those who died solely from COVID was 82.5 years of age, while the national average life expectancy is 79 years old for men, and 82.9 years of age for women. 

COVID deaths being marked as COVID deaths when they may not have been a result of COVID is concerning given the fact that the total number of deaths attributed to COVID are quite large. We simply don’t know how many people have actually died from COVID, instead of with COVID, but we do know that the number can only be less than what the “official” death count shows.

This, as well as the fact that COVID is not a risk for children, are some important topics that haven’t really been discussed during the pandemic in mainstream media and by policy makers.

The post Another FOIA Request Shows Only 6,183 UK Deaths Can Be Attributed To COVID Alone appeared first on The Pulse.