Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Bombshell data from 145 countries show that covid vaccines INCREASE covid-19 associated sickness and death

The most coercive vaccine program in the history of the world has yielded terrifying results across 145 different countries. Data from these heavily-vaccinated countries show that covid vaccines increase both the total COVID-19 case load per million and the total number of deaths associated with COVID-19. This statistical trend of depopulation occurred in approximately 88% of the countries studied. This increase in cases and deaths is a direct result of the causal impact of the vaccine rollout.

These findings are derived from an independent analysis, titled, “Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A Big Data Analysis of 145 Countries.” The source data is collected from Our World in Data and analyzed by Kyle Beattie. This independent analysis has been ignored by the CDC, the FDA and the NIH since October of 2021. As a result, the intent of these government agencies is becoming clearer by the day.